I believe that the WT Leadership have systematically and with demonic cunning expunged all meaningful application to Christ both, in their liturgy as well as their writings. Christ has become merely and adjunct to faith rather than the application of it.
One expresses Christian verities in the form of recognizing the role that Christ plays in the application of this faith. Interestingly, Christ Himself laid down the protocols of worship. When one honours the Son, one honours the Father. It is not the other way around. If one honours the Father, no expression of Scripture permits this to apply automatically to the Son. When one worships the Father alone, one is alone in one's worship. So when True Christians praise and glorify the Son, they are aware that this applies to the Father as well in equal portion. This is something that the WTS has failed to understand. It is somehow conceived that the centrality of Christ that is accorded by True Christians somehow diminishes the place of the Father in worship. This is simply not so. The honour that is required to be applied to the Father is done through the establishment of the place of the Son. The NT does not sanction the bestowal of any honour to the Father without first considering the Son. One does not honour the Son to the exclusion of the Father.
But even here, the place of the Father has been expunged. It is assumed, without any convincing proof, that the use of the mantra like repetition of the word "jehovah" somehow ensures the identity of the Father. The supposed link between jehovah and the Father, is tenuous, at best. In reality, the Father has Himself been reduced to an adjunct, displaced by this someone evidently called "jehovah"
The WTS gives the impression that the name has an ancient pedigree, going back to the dawn of man, and relevant even today. That the name was relevant only in a tribal connotation of a people confined to a sliver of land in the Middle East, and discarded when the message of the Bible went out to the wider world with the attachment of a Grander Name on which salvation was to be attenuated, is casually ignored by the WT Leadership. The impression is established that the 1C AD Christians used this "name" extensively, and indeed the discarding of it ushered in a Great Apostasy in the 2C AD. Somehow, the existence of an unknown remnant of faithful ones who carried the Flame down through the corridors of history till the time of Russell, has begun to take on mythic proportions and is clung to, more in fantasy than reality by today's R&F.
In fact there is simply no proof that this was ever so. There is no evidence whatever that apostolic Christianity and afterward ever attached any importance to the pronunciation of the Sacred Name. It is a misplaced belief of those who put their trust in unscrupulous men who exploit this notion. In fact the records of the early Christians are extensive and detailed and no such evidence of Sacred Name usage is available. In fact we even have a piece of literature written in about 90AD 1Clement, which details the practical aspects of 1C AD Christian worship at about the time John was writing his words. And no mention is ever made of any reference to the importance of the name "jehovah" in the primitive Christian community. When 1C AD Christians evangelized the world of their day the name they bore, with pride and devotion to the point of death, was Jesus. Indeed there were Hebraic structured Christians in those early years, and their existence is recorded, but their concern was with the ritualization of Judaism, in the recognition of such festivals as Passover, and the Sabbath, not in any fascination with the Name. The Jewish name for God was as alien to them as were pagan rites. They bore no resemblance to the artificially created religion of today which we call Watchtower-ism.
In fact attention to the Sacred Name is purely a modern phenomenon. By the start of the nineteen twenties at least three men began a "restoration" of the Sacred Name in regard to prayer and worship, Andrew Dugger, Clarence Dodd, and Squire Traina, who in 1922, started a group called the Assembly of Jehovah, which advocated the use of the name. He published pamphlets to this effect. He was not in any way connected with the WTS. In fact the group he identified with was the Church of God.
By 1935, when the then WT president Rutherford, expressed his interest in this name, we know of at least three groups who were already into their second decade of this belief having been given prominence. In one of those few moments of sobriety that Rutherford effected, he admitted coming across the name Jehovah. Of course he does not tell us where, he came across this, but quite likely it was one of Traina's pamphlets. Somehow it struck a cord in the deepest recesses of Rutherford's psyche, and, claiming a divine revelation while reading Isa 43:10, invented the identity that marks the current WTS, "Jehovah's Witnesses". That Rutherford was violating even the most basic principles of bible interpretation is totally ignored. With far greater financial resources than that of these Sacred Name groups, Rutherford began his relentless propagandizing of his new found belief. In this he somehow suggested a sense of originality to his claims.
Improvising his theology as he went along, Rutherford invented the most fantasmagorical applications of the word "jehovah". Evidently the message of the hour was neither the redemption that is in Christ, or even the Primacy of the Father, but the "vindication" of this name, jehovah, an issue unknown to Christ, or even in a modern context, Rutherford's mentor, CT Russell. Even the Eden incident was invested with the determinative of this name. The gospel to be preached was not the one that Paul preached, that Christ died for our sins and rose again,[1 Cor 15:1] and which was nominative of apostolic Christianity, but that of something called "jehovah's kingdom"
This undiluted humbug, entrenched in the minds of the R&F, has been successfully induced only by the constant and mesmerizing effect of WT literature, the reading and application of which is skillfully inculcated as incumbent on the R&F. The invocation of the name jehovah is somehow considered of sacramental benefit, as if its very usage ensures religious distinction.
In this respect, the WT Leadership have invented a completely new religion, courtesy of a drunken lout and bigot of the first water, which, with its tenuous beliefs and impermanent doctrines, brings dishonour not only to the Son, but the Father as well.